

国际发展合作研究 IDT 2020-09-17
这是第 368 篇文章



主题:解读全球发展:从“大时代分流”到“趋同性分野”Topic: Unpacking Global Development: from ‘divergence big time’ to ‘converging divergence’


Moderator: Prof. Xu Xiuli, Dean of China Institute for South-South Cooperation in Agriculture, China Agricultural University


Speaker: Prof. David Hulme, Executive Director of Global Development Institute, Manchester University


Discussant: Prof. Li Xiaoyun, Honorary Dean of China Institute for South-South Cooperation in Agriculture, China Agricultural University

时间:2019年10月27日 16:00-17:30

Time: 16:00-17:30, 27th October, 2019


Venue: 3rd Conference Room, Jinma Mansion

    近年来关于21世纪将会实现全球融合和“南方崛起”的说法指出,全球发展与不平等格局发生了深刻的变化。本次讲座将从经济、社会和环境维度对不断变化的发展地理进行综合分析的基础上,解读这些变化对发展“去向”问题的影响。全球北方和南方一些综合发展指标的趋同对长期主导国际发展的南北二元架构带来了前所未有的挑战。然而,趋同主张并不能对严重发展不平等的地域进行充分解释。国家间的不平等现象仍然严重,而国家内部的不平等在很多情况下也在加剧。我们生活在一个由“趋同性分野”驱动的世界,在这种形势下,我们比以往任何时候都更需要超越“富裕北方/贫穷南方”二元对立的“国际发展“理念,迈向更具整体性的 “全球发展”理念。

Recent claims of 21st-century global convergence and the ‘Rise of the South’ point to a profound redrawing of the global map of development and inequality. This lecture synthesizes shifting geographies of development across economic, social and environmental dimensions and considers their implications for the ‘where’ of development. The recent convergence of some aggregate development indicators for the global North and South, now more than ever, challenges the North-South binary underlying international development. Yet convergence claims do not adequately capture a world where development inequalities are profound. Inter-country inequalities remain vast, while within-country inequalities are increasing in many cases. In effect, we live in a world driven by ‘converging divergence’. Particular attention is given here to exploring the implications of such shifting geographies, and what those mean for the spatial nomenclature and reference of development. The lecture concludes by arguing the need, now more than ever, to go beyond the idea of ‘international development’ (considered as rich North/poor South) and to move towards the idea of ‘global development’ – where the global South remains a key, although not exclusive, focus.


戴维·赫尔姆(David Hulme)是曼彻斯特大学发展研究教授,同时也是曼彻斯特大学全球发展研究所执行主任。他在农村发展、全球贫困和减贫、小额信贷、非政府组织、环境管理和社会保护等方面有着30多年的研究经历,并曾在南亚,东非和太平洋等多地有着广泛的工作经验。

David Hulme is Professor of Development Studies at the University of Manchester where he is Executive Director of the global development Institute and CEO of the Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre. He has worked on rural development, poverty and poverty reduction, microfinance, the role of NGOs in conflict/peace and development, environmental management, social protection and the political economy of global poverty for more than 30 years. He has worked extensively across South Asia, East Africa, and the Pacific.

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